Daily Drena: LOL Today was a day to catch up on our ‘normal’ life stuff. Like the supermercado adventure, attempting to do laundry was a trial and error experience too. “What do all the settings mean, and why does the…

Daily Drena: LOL Today was a day to catch up on our ‘normal’ life stuff. Like the supermercado adventure, attempting to do laundry was a trial and error experience too. “What do all the settings mean, and why does the…
Daily Drena: Sherpa We are attempting to settle in for the month. Our big adventure today was a walk to the post office, then succeeded with a new attempt to find the supermercado, where we had fun guessing what each…
Daily Drena: Casa Dulce Casa With today’s taxi’s and train ride, we’ve managed to use almost every mode of transportation on this trip. Car, plane, subway, bike, walking, bus, taxi, and train. We are exploring our new apartment, and our…