Daily Drena: A Granada sunset Today was a day to catch up from the crazy week. I headed out in the afternoon for a walk around town and ended up walking much, much farther than originally anticipated (over 10 miles…

Daily Drena: A Granada sunset Today was a day to catch up from the crazy week. I headed out in the afternoon for a walk around town and ended up walking much, much farther than originally anticipated (over 10 miles…
Daily Drena: Sopa! En Español: Hoy, después la clase, hemos ido a la escuela para: ¡Master Chef: sopa castellana! Nosotros hemos aprendido a cocinar la auténtica sopa castellana. Los ingredientes eran: agua, aceite, ajo, tomates, huevos, pan, pimientos, pimentón, y…
Daily Drena: We are the ants After admiring the Alhambra for weeks, today is the day we finally toured the inside. We went with our fellow students, guided by the owner of the school. What a magnificent place, with so…