Daily Drena: Foodies we are Not
More about food. Everyone raves about all the delicious food in Spain, with amazing tapas, etc, etc. Now anyone that knows us would know that we are definitely far from being foodies (Drew to the extreme), but we just haven’t been all that impressed so far. I do appreciate some really good tasting, non-healthy food, but most of the food we’ve tried is non-healthy and low quality food. Overabundance of white breads with little meat, bland taste, a greasy meal with no greens, etc. The homemade dinner was good quality (not counting the food we didn’t like) but restaurants have been so-so. Granted, we’ve stayed away from the octopus, squid, and other fishy items, so maybe that’s where the quality lies. We will keep making attempts in our own way.
Churros are big here, and we keep walking by a Churreria Cafe so we thought this would be a good opportunity to try out Churros con Chocolate. But this Churreria only serves churros manana! (could mean morning or tomorrow) so we tried some tapas instead. We narrowly missed the anchovy tapa (wsheeew!) and had Patatas Alioli (it sounded good, but really was just a mayo-filled potato salad), Ensaladilla Rusa (thought it would be more salad-like, but again it was potatoes, peas, tuna, mayo), and a Bocadillo (sub-type sandwich) with potato in it, all for 5€ plus a stomache ache.
Our activity for the day was a self-guided tour through a small garden and then down a cool historic mine, ending at the bottom of the gorge. The mine was a secret military structure in the 14th century, and is rumored to have housed hidden palaces and bathing chambers for queens.
Afterwards, we walked down the main gorge trail again, to hang out and get our daily fill of the amazing views.
- Down the mine
- In the gardens
- secret rooms
- Almost able to fit
- at the bottom of the mine
- The lone garden flower
- Chapel in Ronda
- Back down the gorge trail to hang out a bit
- My best attempt at capturing the extremely small and fast swallows in flight