Daily Drena: Sunny Art
Today we did what you are supposed to do on a sunny Sunday. Relax. We eventually got ourselves together enough to take a little walk to a bench with a view and catch some late afternoon rays. In the plaza below our casa I was delighted to find another little art fair. This time the fair had fine art and illustrations of a much higher quality, not hippy crafts like the other one. As I looked around, Drew patiently hung out on the wall and was entertained by the street performers. I proudly came home with a fun gift after negotiating in Spanish. Actually, my poor Spanish probably allowed me to get the item cheaper because I thought she said a different number originally and negotiated based on that. I guess that’s one advantage!
- Catching some late afternoon sun.
- Diligent student.
- Street performers.
- Weekend art fair!
- What a cool instrument. Also, we love the guy in the background.
- Cool old bike in front of a restaurant.
- A graffiti artist loves his elephant icon, as there are multiple elephants all around the Albayzin area.