Daily Drena: Delicioso
Another rainy day and evening in Granada, Spain (what happened to the 300 days of sunshine they get a year, yeesh… ;)). This evening’s activity was meant to be a Flamenco show, however, a private event was scheduled at the Flamenco bar, as we learned from our guide for the evening down in Plaza Nueva while getting rained on. But, not a problem, we all simply went out for tapas instead! This was our first time for tapas and our guide took us to a bar near the school where one of her friends works. The premise behind tapas is that you purchase a drink, and for each drink that you purchase, you get a tapa to go with it. The tapas are free, you simply pay for the drinks which are generally about 1.5 to 2 euros each, so it’s actually quite a good way to eat, as long as you don’t mind what you eat, because you don’t choose the tapa – they simply come out of the kitchen with what they want to give you! This evening, we had some ham and cheese sandwich concoctions, olives (of course), bruschetta-like items with salmon on top, and a vegetarian version of the bruschettas as well. I devoured two of the ham and cheese concoctions, which were delicious, while Lorena tried one of those and one salmon bruschetta. We ate, drank, and chatted the evening away until it was past 11:00 and we decided to head home and call it a night.
- Juan and our guide, who conveniently is good friends with someone at the bar.
- Anne, our new Holland friend.
- This means something Korean, but I didn’t get what it actually meant.