Daily Drena: Let the sun shine
Wednesday was rainy and chilly, but today is an absolutely beautiful sunny day.
Four hours of Spanish a day actually goes by fairly quickly. We are also getting the siesta thing down, especially Drew’s four-hour nap today.
I explored the running trail farther today, but after awhile it became so hilly it stopped being a running trail and was more of a hiking with-your-hands-on-the-ground trail. So I came back and ran the Alhambra area again. There were a ton of policeman all hanging around. Not sure if this is normal, or because it was evening they were trying to clear people out. I tried to go up one road and a policeman started talking to me, saying what I think was “no, you can’t go that way, you need to go this way instead”, but that’s only because his arm movements indicated that. It’s never really a good thing when you have no idea what a policeman is actually saying.
Work has been filling our evenings.
- Crepes on the square.
- Working on homework…
- A classic shot of the beauty of Granada
- Strawberries here are the best ever! So sweet.