Daily Drena: Delicious Crepes
We toured the Museo del Prado, and Drew was upsold the ‘official guidebook’ which weighed ~5lbs. We spent the rest of the day trying to figure out where to leave it. Finally we brought it home and put it into a drawer in the apartment for others, which Reinaldo found and we think he kept.
It was a little rainy today. We walked around quite a bit and found a delicious crepes place. Every single female is wearing tight pants with boots. I kept hoping the fad would blow over soon, but here it is in full swing with seemingly no alternatives. I feel quite out of style and don’t understand how females (and even some males) can tolerate being so uncomfortable on a daily basis. For special occasions, yes I can see, but ALL the time? Does this make me old? Probably.
- Our street next too the apartment.
- Very happy about breakfast.
- Museo del Prado.
- The 5lb guide we were upsold, then spent the day trying to figure out how to get rid of it in a useful manner.
- Crepes!