We Found Nature!

Daily Drena: Babbling Brook
We went on another walking tour today, this time up and around the Alhambra. But we haven’t toured the inside yet, as we’ve been evaluating how many “ants” can be seen at the top of the castle at any given time from our window and confirmed that Saturday is not the day to go.
Drew and I are like wild animals, immediately drawn to anything green or related to nature. We instantly feel more relaxed as soon as we are in this type of surrounding vs. the city life. I think we’ll need to explore the city in small doses to prevent over stimulation, especially for Drew. However, Granada does seem to be a really cool city and I look forward to learning more about it. We’ve seen so much character already.
Tonight we prepare a gourmet spaghetti at home, although what seems like a simple dinner isn’t quite as easy when we only have two little burners, of which two pans don’t actually fit on them at the same time. So cooking veggies, noodles, and sauce needs to be done in shifts. Plus, there’s no oven or toaster oven, we have no spices, and we have to translate directions on the back of food items via google translate. Also, does anyone have a good way to drain tiny noodles without a colander? Going with the flow on this trip is important, even if it means eating noodle mush for dinner and ice cream mush for dessert (our tiny freezer doesn’t actually freeze either!). But, our bellies are full, which is an big feat as Drew seems to have a bottomless tummy lately. He’s probably still catching up from the biking trip.

LOL – Lots of Laundry

Daily Drena: LOL

Today was a day to catch up on our ‘normal’ life stuff. Like the supermercado adventure, attempting to do laundry was a trial and error experience too. “What do all the settings mean, and why does the number say 109? Is that how long it will run? Let’s press this button, and make this one say 0.” Our clothes came out clean, but dripping wet. We guessed that the 0 number meant how long the spin cycle should last and tried again. Luckily, the clothes did reemerge still looking like clothes when all was said and done. We took a little walk outing today, just around the neighborhood. Found a couple plazas and an exercise apparatus park.

Gathering the Essentials

Daily Drena: Sherpa
We are attempting to settle in for the month. Our big adventure today was a walk to the post office, then succeeded with a new attempt to find the supermercado, where we had fun guessing what each item was. We then stuffed everything into our backpacks to walk over a mile home up super steep cobblestone streets. Drew probably had 50lbs worth of food on his back, which in turn made him very hungry – heh. It’s far enough away that we want to do it as little as possible.
The quote of the day from Drew, “Talk about working for your food! I might as well be a f*ing farmer.” Temps are about 50-ish.