Daily Drena: How do you say “Beginner Level”?
Today is our first day of Spanish class. The front desk guy asks us if we can understand any Spanish, I say “un poco” and he brings us to a room of students where they are all speaking Spanish and we sit there understanding at most a quarter of it. But at least we aren’t the oldest people in class! I fear we got put in the wrong room and should have said “nada”. But later we got separated to the beginners level with only one other person and away we go with the first lesson of the day! My brain is full now, and we have homework. Bah. Drew is battling the Portuguese cold that I had earlier, but hung in there for the lessons. It seems to be hitting him much harder than it hit me unfortunately.
I ventured out for a run today and I didn’t even get lost! Besides biking, I think running is one of the best ways to explore a town and I came home with a newfound excitement for Granada. I found a great hiking trail to explore farther another day – I can’t wait! The rocky, hilly streets made it seem almost like a trail run and going through the trail up to the Alhambra was even more amazing the second time around.
When we went shopping, we each bought two chocolate bars; dark chocolate for me and milk chocolate for Drew. Today I made the analogy that we are like the tortoise and hare when we eat it, with Drew eating large chunks a time, then not eating any for days. I eat a little bit each day. So that turned it into a competition (of course) of who will run out first. This is not good. I don’t have much will when it comes to chocolate. But I’m finding that Drew really doesn’t either, hehe. He even has been so kind to hand me my chocolate bar from the cupboard while sitting at the table. We’ll see who “wins” this game.
First day of school!
Poor Drew, he’s so sick. Escuela y toilet paper for kleenex was his life today.