Segundo semana de clases

Daily Drena: Peanut Butter

We have three new people joining us in class this week, Felix from Germany, Anne(a) from Holland, and Linda from Germany too. Anne and Felix know more Espanol than us, but we feel for Linda who is as clueless as we were last week. Luckily, we didn’t forget everything we learned because we’ve been practicing over the weekend and we always do our homework like a good boy and girl. But to put us back in our places, we are also reminded that for everyone else, Spanish is their third language (at least). English is the common denominator amongst us.

After class, we took another expedition to the supermercado, this time one that has good old peanut butter! Drew is a happy camper. Our quest is a success, thanks to a fine tip from Jose, one of our teachers.

This place is actually a department store, the main one in Granada. We think it’s their Walmart, only with higher quality stuff and more expensive prices. But at least it has peanut butter!

(And cool packaging design on some olive oil.)

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Daily Drena: Greyness

Our plans for today were foiled again. We had originally planned on doing the nearby hike that we thought about yesterday, but when we woke up in the morning it was very grey and gloomy looking with a forecast for rain in the morning, so we did what any respectable people who went to bed at 1am do … went back to bed! After another two hours of sleep we decided to get up, but the forecast still didn’t look good, so we decided to forego the long hike. Lorena had the idea of visiting a museum, but apparently, not much is open on Sundays. She was able to find one museum to go to: Museo Arqueológico y Etnológico. However, when we arrived there was a sign on the door: “Cerrado por reformas” (Closed for renovations). Doh! So, we wandered around town a little bit and then headed to the nearby little grocer on the way home to pick up some food for the evening. It continued to be a glum day with rain on and off, although not too cold, so I spent the day getting ahead on some work while watching the Olympics, while Lorena worked on some projects of her own. Did you know that, although it is a sparsely populated country, Norway has the most winter olympic medals? This is largely due to the fact that the most medals in the olympics are from cross-country related events (66 medals) and they excel at the sport.

Sorry … no photos today!

Saturday Garden Hike

Daily Drena: Rainy Saturday

Today we made plans to go for a hike and mapped a nearby 2-hour trail loop. As soon as we stepped out the door it started drizzling, but we continued on up anyway. Our hike took about 2 hours, but we never actually did find the trail we intended. Instead we found some wonderful gardens, called Carmen de los Martires, and explored all around them until we were decidedly wet enough to trek on back home. Even in winter, the grounds smelled amazing.