The big Alhambra visit

Daily Drena: We are the ants

After admiring the Alhambra for weeks, today is the day we finally toured the inside. We went with our fellow students, guided by the owner of the school. What a magnificent place, with so many wonderful architectural details and beautiful patterns.

After all the Spanish in the morning and the entire tour in Spanish for 4 hours in the afternoon, my brain was definitely full. Spanish consumes my dreams too!

Park in the city

Daily Drena: Nature, but not really

After class today, we trekked to the grocery store, but on our way we detoured to a large park in the city. It was a little disappointing as the streets next to it were very noisy. It was very manicured and probably is much prettier in the spring and summer. The museum of a famous writer (Federico García Lorca) was also closed, probably because of siesta. The siesta time sure makes it tricky to see things, especially since we have class all morning until 1:30, and so many places are closed from 1:30-2 to 4-4:30.

3rd Week of School

Daily Drena: School is time consuming

Yesterday began our third week of classes. This week we have gained two more students, Imogen, from Germany who is also half English, and Alexandra, who lives in France but is Greek. So now we have three students from Germany and thus this language is popping into the classroom more, however both German and English get reprimanded by the professors whenever it slips in. We have returned to the big classroom we originally started in, but I personally prefer the smaller class size. We will lose Anna and Felix at the end of the week, so maybe we’ll shrink back up for our final week.

Even though the classes go by fast, the time they take plus the homework, plus our regular work that has been extra busy this week, plus trying to fit in an adventure makes us feel like we need a vacation soon. 🙂 We really need to start planning where we’re going to go next. Maybe it’s time for the beach!