Lazy Sunday

Daily Drena: Sunny Art

Today we did what you are supposed to do on a sunny Sunday. Relax. We eventually got ourselves together enough to take a little walk to a bench with a view and catch some late afternoon rays. In the plaza below our casa I was delighted to find another little art fair. This time the fair had fine art and illustrations of a much higher quality, not hippy crafts like the other one. As I looked around, Drew patiently hung out on the wall and was entertained by the street performers. I proudly came home with a fun gift after negotiating in Spanish. Actually, my poor Spanish probably allowed me to get the item cheaper because I thought she said a different number originally and negotiated based on that. I guess that’s one advantage!

Cherimoyas & Beyond

Daily Drena: A Granada sunset

Today was a day to catch up from the crazy week. I headed out in the afternoon for a walk around town and ended up walking much, much farther than originally anticipated (over 10 miles according to the pedometer), although I’m not saying I was lost. Just exploring. 🙂 I knew where I was on the map at all times.

I tried another cherimoya fruit today, the second one we’ve had in Spain. I bought one in Sevilla when I had no clue what it was and after googling and learning that it is a delicious fruit that has an amazing tropical flavor, we were a bit disappointed that it wasn’t as good as the internet suggested. But our professor gave it rave reviews again, so I decided to try another one. Much better and very, very sweet! Still a no-go for Drew, but I ate the entire thing pretty much all at once. I’m sure they exist in Whole Foods, but I’ve never noticed them.

We went out for a short walk in the evening to try to catch the sunset, but could never re-find the targeted bench we had come across last week. It’s amazing the amount of people just hanging out in the plazas though.

¡Master Chef: sopa castellana!

Daily Drena: Sopa!

En Español:
Hoy, después la clase, hemos ido a la escuela para: ¡Master Chef: sopa castellana! Nosotros hemos aprendido a cocinar la auténtica sopa castellana. Los ingredientes eran: agua, aceite, ajo, tomates, huevos, pan, pimientos, pimentón, y sal. Es un sopa tradicional en Castilla, una región de España en el noroeste. Típicamente, tu añades el marisco, pero nosotros cocinamos un sopa con verdura solo. Nos gustó bastante la sopa.

In English:
Today, after class, we went to school for: “Master Chef: Castilian soup!”. We learned to cook authentic Castilian soup. The ingredients were: water, oil, garlic, tomatoes, eggs, bread, peppers, paprika, and salt. It is a traditional soup in Castilla, a region of Spain in the northwest. Typically, you add seafood, but we cooked a soup with vegetables only. We quite liked the soup.