Homeward Bound

Travel Day:
1162 miles, 35,000 ft ascent, ~17.5 hrs.
Daily Drena: Home Sweet Home

Trip Stats:
233.89 miles

15643 ft. ascent
51 hrs. 17 min. exploring

The morning was spent wandering around La Conner (on foot, not bike…), popping around the various art galleries, book stores, and coffee shops.

It was early afternoon before we started heading back to Mike and Holly’s to drop off the car (you guys are amazing!!!), pick up what various sundries we left behind, and to disassemble and repack the bikes for the journey home.

Overall, we recommend the San Juan’s as a destination. Expect to see dogs a lot, which is wonderful, as they are welcomed almost everywhere. As bikers, we loved Lopez, San Juan, and Shaw. Orcas seemed to be the busiest on certain roads and is also very hilly, but if you’re prepared for that, there are numerous wonderful spots to stop and enjoy on the island.

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