Daily Drena: Yellow Everywhere
The GR-2 is a long distance walking trail in this area of Spain, which starts in La Jonquera and continues on to Aiguafreda, a total of 165km. Since the GR-2 passes right past our farmhouse, we’ve been on it a number of times for local walks or on bikes to explore and just get some exercise, but we hadn’t followed it to a destination, so that’s what we decide to do today. We biked the GR-2 to the nearest next town, called Llado. Llado is a much larger village than Cistella, but still quite small. It wasn’t nearly as neat looking as the medieval town of Sant Llorenç de la Muga, but it did have some very pretty countryside. There were fields and fields of yellow, which looked to be buttercup flowers or similar and look like they are cultivated fields. We’re not sure what they are harvested for, except maybe to be sold as flowers, but it makes for some beautiful looking countryside!
- The Llado church. Every town, no matter how small, has a big, beautiful church.
- Llado.
Those beautiful fields of yellow are rapeseed, used to make canola oil, says the gardener. 🙂
dammit, mom beat me to the answer!!!
I love this picture Lo!